- Current with star: 8 years.
- Current without star and prior format: Valid until age 65; then 5 years.
- Expiration is on birthday. 6-month extension available if out of state for more than 30 days
Number: 1 letter followed by 8 digits or Social Security number. Social Security number only if formerly used and licensee requests it.
Template: Current design matches Arziona IDs issued by the DMV.
- Ghost image with overlapping laser perforation in the shape of Arizona.
- Raised tactile DOB; OVD state seal, “ARIZONA,” and state outline.
- Microprinting; UV feature with cactus.
- Back comes with duplicate photo of Arizona cardholder printed in ultraviolet ink.
- Digitized credit-card-style with optically variable overlay using Teslin card.
Scannable Features:
- Durable card with magnetic stripe and 2D barcode on back. May show out-of-state address.
- For CDL, green Arizona’s “COMMERCIAL DRIVER LICENSE” (current).
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