Are bodyguards really good at spotting fake IDs?


If it’s not too much of a hassle, read this before trying to buy a cocktail with a sibling’s or sister’s license.

Movies and TV shows showcase scannable fake ids, but using IRL is often not as natural as it looks on the big screen. Conservators and liquor store representatives often manage minors and are adept at catching fake IDs.

We discussed various sources of what exactly happens when someone tries to make a fake ID into a bar or buy alcohol – including what happens when the ID is confiscated or turned into a police officer. Find out the solutions to all fake ID queries below…

Are protectors really good at spotting fake IDs?

Yes. Indeed, they are.

“When you have a lot of ID, you start sorting it out,” the former protector and current bodyguard told us. He spent a long time in different bars and clubs in New York City. “If the fake id is layered, there’s a problem. If it’s rough, there’s a problem. If it looks fake, it’s probably fake.”

Bodyguards are never properly prepared for the most proficient methods of identifying fake IDs, but it is normal to achieve this basic expertise on the job. Bodyguards had a similar experience working at the University of Philadelphia bar in middle and high school.

“There are countless ways to distinguish id card fakes,” the bouncer told us. “I learn from other accomplished people at work and they give me pointers.”

Lee Tachman, the owner of a liquor store in New York City’s Financial District, is always nearby to check for up-to-date IDs so he can scan fake IDs if needed. “For every [employee] here, I make sure they have some leeway to read the manual… Let’s say we see anyone who looks under 21, we’ll try to recognize them,” he said .

Still, imagine a scenario where my fake ID is very similar to my real ID.

Regardless of whether the client has a fake ID card that gives the impression of being authenticated, the guardian uses different information – in addition to the nature of the ID card – to confirm its credibility.

“One sign is that when you’re working at the entrance Saturday night, six, eight or ten young ladies are showing up in different ways with Hawaiian ID cards,” Lee Tachman explained. “Very few people come to New York from Hawaii. Same night at a similar bar.”

Bodyguards see similar traits. “The kids are asking for [scannable fake IDs] in droves, so you usually see a lot of fake ID’s like that at peer reunions or the year of birth,” he told us. “For example, if every Rhode Island ID I saw was really in my Pennsylvania bar, I would meet everyone in Rhode Island.”