Fake ID Scanners – Truth or Myth?


Does the person using the ID scanner know what to search for?
ID scanners display and record information stored on a driver’s license, state ID, or military ID. While this can help bouncers get rid of terminated and underage IDs, it doesn’t naturally identify id card fakes. ID scanners are best used when administrators know what to search for.

The data stored on the card and the data printed on the card.
Standardized logos and attractive stripes on mill driver licenses contain name, address, date of birth, grade, weight, eye color, hair color, license number, and the date the license was issued and terminated. The ID scanner displays this data on the screen in an easy-to-understand way and records the exchange in the data set.

On many scannable fake IDs, the data encoded on the attractive strip or scanned label does not match the actual data on the front of the ID. For example, an ID card might show a person’s name as “Jane Doe”, but the name on the card is “John Smith”. So far, only the ID scanner administrator can see the error and understand that the ID card must be fake.

A typical practice for best fake id creators is to print new data on a card that was previously encoded with other data. Because it is far more troublesome to store coded information on attractive strips or standardized labels than on clear cards, makers of counterfeit IDs often buy pre-coded cards in large quantities with various names, locations printed on the front and birthday celebrations. These cards are shown to minors as “scannable fake ids“. They filter, but if the data printed on the card does not match the data stored on the card. Assuming the information on the front of the card does not match the information stored on the card, it is almost certain that the ID card is fake.

Do ID scanners work against authoritative state datasets with license numbers?
Contrary to mainstream thinking, currency-accessible ID scanners do not run license numbers against real public repositories to determine validity. State-controlled information repositories containing license information are not available to the general public. The ID scanner records the license number and data as confirmation of discreet age checks, but it does not ensure that the license number is legitimate in the state data set. Only legitimate experts can check whether the license number is sufficient.

Some organizations sell “fake ID scanners”. These items are deliberately deceptive. An ID scanner is an important device for obtaining ID data, but it is by no means a machine for identifying id card fakes. If you’re looking to buy an ID scanner for your business, look for a legitimate organization that honestly describes the elements and limitations of their program.