University of Georgia Fake ID Test
Many UGA students responded to UGA police for possessing id card fake. Students have a valuable opportunity to help police officers during exams, or they may have to deal with penalties. University of Georgia Police Chief Jimmy Williamson said it may be the largest circle of fake IDs on campuses across the United States. Boss Williamson also said they had uncovered a huge fake ID production campaign.
Students who buying a fake ID last year were given the opportunity to hand over fake IDs and sign police explanations. Students who actually do this will not be caught. So far, the University of Georgia Police Department has seized more than 300 fake IDs. Police are releasing a slew of evidence against fake ID merchants.
Police found three fake ID creators who had 50 to 60 people handing out scannable fake IDs at universities. Police accept fake IDs have been given to more than 1,600 students. One of the fake ID creators tracked who bought the fake ID. Police seized PCs and hard drives of fake identity providers. The group has provided police with an electronic file that provides police data on the students.
Some students have handed over their id card fake to police, while others have been visited by police headquarters. One of the students, Jackson Smith, knew the man who buying a fake id and was punched by police at the entrance. Despite their concerns, police only asked for fake IDs and didn’t catch the student, Jackson said.
Some students have received calls from police headquarters demanding they hand over their scannable fake IDs. Sadly, the students thought it was some kind of joke and didn’t really accept the call as real. When police have completed their checks, they will contact those who are reluctant to give up fake IDs and charge students. The students bought fake IDs for $120, according to police.